Brand Consulting

"Effective communication
is the key to shaping
public perception and
driving positive change."

To me a brand consultant is the one who can guide a brand to evolve in every sense. Brands are like Babies and Entrepreneurs are like parents, so you already know- a Brand Consultant is like a teacher.

My career of approximate 27+ years has experiences spanning different business environments, industries, sectors and situations. I have served startups, retailers, MSMEs, Regional Corporates, Corporates, Governments and Army as well.

I have done smaller objective campaigns, product launches, expansion campaigns, content strategies for sustained campaigns, Sale Campaigns, Political Campaigns and have even changed the "Odour of a company". I am one of the very very few consultants in the region who is pursuing his "Masters - at University of Life".

You may consider our services in case you are willing to give a co-driver position in your company. I have served many names in the region who are all "Big Brands". My clients have always appreciated my contribution to their businesses. Our client testimonies can help you relate better.

Real Estate, Education, MSMEs, Immigration business, FMCG or Pharma, our clients come from varied fields and sectors. I enjoy exploring different fields and the very adventure of building a brand in a new area is more than remuneration for me.

I believe all the brands I have served till date are great case studies and you may enjoy our section for more relatable stories. It will be great to sit across and talk about "How and When turned the tide or made a point".